Saturday, December 13, 2008

Aaww mang.

Today I'm taking my computer to the hospital. It finally started working with my camera again but as soon as I got back from Miami it crashed out. Luckily Angelo has an old mac I can use but all my new (and newish) pics are trapped in the hard drive of a sick computer. I'm hoping it won't need major surgery. credit: I have borrowed 'Aaww mang' (and the whistle on my voicemail) from my friend Matthew.


  1. why did you draw a HOSPITAL?

  2. ooooohhhhhhhhhhh not i get it...... you go to the hospital sick and your computer is "sick" and if your real sick you get major saurgy.but is there a hosptital for computers couse i don't think so?I'm just in 5th grade people don't lol
